Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tears of Joy

Everyone that knows me knows that it was not an easy road to have Morgan. Going though IVF was not easy, we feared it would not work. Though it all my bff was by myside, because she and her husband were going though it too. When I got pregnant with Morgan she was right there cheering me on. I called her the night before I had Morgan complaining that she was never going to come(I was 39 weeks and nothing was happening lol). The next night I called her to tell her that I had Morgan, and she was so happy for me. Though Morgan's first year she has been so wonderful to me, even though her struggles with her own infertlity. I worried at first when I got pregnant that our friendship would change. I worried for nothing because it never happen.

Today I got the news that I have been waiting to here, she finally got her postive. My bff is pregnant, and I am just so happy. I am going to be able to share stories with her about what Morgan was doing at that age. We are going to be able to take our children to the park, zoo, and so many other places together. Even though they will be almost two years apart they will be best friends.

When she called I was so scared when she said she was pregnant I screamed in her ear. I was crying because I was so happy, and because I have cried with her when she got her negitive. I felt ALMOST as happy as I did when I learned I was pregnant with Morgan.(though nothing like that feeling will ever be the same it is close)

I just had to share my happiness with everyone.

Trying to Spice Things Up!

I think it's about time to introduce myself. My name is Teela and I'm a SAHM to twin sons (Jackson and Aiden) who will be 2 in June. My husband, Jason, and I went through 2 long years of infertility before we got pregnant with our twins and we are currently trying to add to our family.

This time around, we've been ttc (trying to conceive) for just over a year and honestly I can say that this time around it's a bit easier because this time around I have kids. I have two very loving and adorable sons to keep my mind off all the negative. I'm grateful for that.

I'll share with you a lesson I learned the other day.

We live a couple small towns away from where my husband works and he's lucky enough to have a few other co workers who also live out where we do and he has joined their car pool. They meet up at the Lowes in San Marcos and then they drive in one person's car to work.

One day after the kids and I had done some shopping, I decided on a whim to stop and leave a "naughty" love note for Jason in his car that he would find when he got off work. He was just telling me that he never really got love letters in High School and come on, you've got to spice things up when you're going at it each month like clockwork in hopes of getting pregnant, right? The note said something like, "I LOVE YOU! Guess what? It's getting close to ovulation. You know what that means.... xoxo, Me." Simple and to the point. His window was partially rolled down so I stuck the note to his steering wheel.

A few hours later he gets home and comes upstairs with a HUGE grin on his face and I'm thinking, "AH-HA! It worked!! He got the note!" and he says, "Matt," his coworker, "really liked your note." and I about DIED of embarrassment.

Moral of the Story: Must leave explicit instructions for husband to not share naughty love notes with co-workers.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Biting Toddler

I worked in childcare for 7 years, and I have worked with children that bite. I have taken so many child development classes and seminars, so I know that its a faze. That they cannot express themselves so they use there teeth to express how they are feeling. All those years of training just flew out the window with Morgan.

She is not only trying to bite me, but she tries to bite herself. I have never seen a child do this before and it freaks me out. When at her one year appointment I asked the doctor about it. She told me to ignore her when she bites herself. That I should pick her up, firmly tell her no, then I should set her down, and walk away if she bites me. If she bites a young child that I should pick her up tell her no, set her down, and go to that child. I know this stuff and yet I seem to have forgotten it.

When your child bites you or someone else(no children yet but she did try to bite her Nana), I think its very easy to correct. We don't want our children to be biters. For the most part that is. I have seen one parent tell me their child is not a biter at home, but the other parent tells you differently. I am not in denial, so I am ready to start correcting her the best way I can.

The hard part is watching them bite themselves and not reacting. My husband this morning saw her biting and started to correct. It just so hard for us to see her with bite marks on her hand. Its hard to watch her bite herself and not stop her. Sometimes its just hard to ignore, but we have to. We both know that when she get attention from it, she will only want to do it more.

Take Wednesday morning we were getting ready to go out to my sisters. All I wanted to do what get her diaper changed and get her dressed. Morgan wanted to play and she is not very fond of getting her diaper or clothes changed. She tries to bite me, so I tell her no and lay her down to change her. She begins to bite on her hands, and I ignore it. I can see her eyeing me, like mommy are you watching me. She does that for a few minutes then as I am snapping up her onsie she goes for her leg. When I ignore the leg bitting she goes for her toes. It takes pretty much everything I have in me not to say something. She finally stopped when she realized I was not reacting to her.

This is a faze and it will get worse before it gets better. The doctor told me she should stop by around 15 months. So we only got three months to go. This could be the longest three months of my life.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What is Confessions Of A Modern Day Women?

I do not know know about you, but I sometimes feel in the mist of my crazy day that I am all alone. That there is no one out there who is going though what I am going though. On a normal day like today I know that is not true. But when you get one of those day where nothing is going right sometimes you need a pick me up. This blog is for those days so that while we may still feel stressed, we know we are not alone. So enjoy and if you want to be a part of this feel free to let me know.